Es sprechen: Dr. Wang Qiongying, Shen Chencheng M.A. und Huang Xiaoyu M.A. (East China Normal University)
This lecture provides a preliminary introduction to the education of history teachers in China on both, the initial education and the continuous professional education of history teachers. The East China Normal University (ECNU) is one of the biggest and most influential teacher training institutions in China. ECNU offers various programs for history teachers, starting with the BA and MA program, but offering as well a series of courses for in-service training of teachers. Special attention will be given during this lecture to the education in the field of “history didactics” and the field of “public history”, especially as concerns the initial education of history teachers.
Concerning the institutional structure, teacher education is offered in co-operation between the historical institutes/the faculty of history and the institutes of pedagogical/ professional education. While in previous curricula the focus was given to subject oriented, academic training, which was offered by the history departments, the education today puts more emphasis on the professional education of history teachers. In recent years, multiple institutions started to step in the implementation of the history teacher education. At normal universities, teacher training centres were established to organize the training of teachers.
As regards the professional education, didactics of history developed as a sub-discipline within the educational disciplines. This includes not only the initial education of history teachers but also the training of teachers at the stage of postgraduate studies. Students and/or teachers are encouraged to carry out research on history didactics in the various dimensions of the new discipline as a research field.
Finally, the authors attempt to give a preliminary overview on characteristics and problems of the education of history teachers in today’s China, on the standpoint of two theoretical concepts: “historical consciousness” and “historical culture”.
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Didaktik der Geschichte und Politische Bildung
Berggasse 7,
1090 Wien
Seminarraum FDZ Geschichte 1 (Parterre)
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