
Gemeinsames Österreichisch-tschechisches Geschichtsbuch

The project "Gemeinsames Österreichisch-tschechisches Geschichtsbuch" ( b/forschungsbereiche/habsburgermonarchie/forschung/oesterreichisch-tschechisches-geschichtsbuch/ ), which was initiated by the "Ständigen Konferenz österreichischer und tschechischer Historiker zum gemeinsamen kulturellen Erbe“ (SKÖTH)" and coordinated by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, aimed to develop a comparative presentation of the history of the two states and societies based on the latest research results. The focus was on developments in the 20th century. Teaching materials for use in schools were also developed. On the Austrian side, this task was undertaken by staff from the Department of History and Social Studies Education (Judith Breitfuß, Thomas Hellmuth, Alexander Preisinger, Isabella Schild and Bernhard Trautwein).