

Methods of history and politics didactics can be categorised as macro or micro methods.

Macro methods are understood to mean comprehensive designs of coherent actions in the classroom, which usually characterise a larger section of a teaching unit or even one or more teaching units. These include the systematic course of instruction, the exemplary case method, the explorative investigation (exploration, experiment, social study), the reality-simulating game (role play, simulation game, pro-contra debate) and the cooperative production (project, policy workshop, future workshop). Macromethods structure the teaching unit and connect the individual teaching phases.

The micro methods are, in contrast, components of the macro-method and shape the microstructure of the lesson by serving to shape the individual teaching phases. The micro-methods include, among other things, the teacher's lecture, classroom discussion, brainstorming and text work, but also social forms such as individual, partner and group work.

Finally, a distinction must be made between the methods and the working techniques, although a clear demarcation is not always possible. In principle, working techniques have a more instrumental character and enable learners to carry out certain activities within the framework of the respective method. For example, a pro-con debate requires argumentation techniques, while working with texts in turn requires the ability to excerpt. In principle, working techniques can be categorised according to formal, methodological, written, communicative and aesthetic-productive skills.



Günther-Arndt, Hilke: Methodik des Geschichtsunterrichts, in: Günther-Arndt, Hilke (Hg.): Geschichtsdidaktik. Praxishandbuch für die Sekundarstufe I und II, Berlin 2003, S. 151-196.

Hellmuth, Thomas: Historisch-politische Sinnbildung. Geschichte – Geschichtsdidaktik – Politische Bildung, Schwalbach/Ts., S. 261-267

Janssen, Bernd: Kreativer Politikunterricht. 20 Methoden gegen die Langeweile im schulischen Alltag, 5. aktualisierte und erweiterte Aufl., Schwalbach/Ts. 2016 (Politische Bildung – Kleine Reihe)

Mayer, Ulrich/Pandel, Hans-Jürgen/Schneider, Gerhard (Hg.): Handbuch Methoden im Geschichtsunterricht, 2., überarbeitete Auflage, Schwalbach/Ts. 2007
